New Students
New Student User Accounts
As a new Pima Medical Institute student, you will receive an email sent to your personal email address on file with the title ATTN – Pima Medical Institute Login Information. It will look similar to this:
Please retain this email! It includes important login information including your unique username, unique email address, and three website links for accessing Blackboard courses, your email account, and your Student Portal account. It is recommended that you bookmark all three websites for easy future access.
You are also required to set your own secure password. Start the process by clicking on the link in the email that says Set Password.
Setting Your Password
Upon clicking the Set Password link from the email, you will be directed to the Manage Your Password screen.
By default, the All of the Above checkbox is pre-selected. Simply type your preferred password in the New Password and Confirm New Password boxes to set your password for Blackboard, your email account, and your Student Portal account. Note that your password must follow a specific set of criteria as explained on the screen.
After clicking the Submit button, you will receive a confirmation that your password has been established.
You are now ready to log in to Blackboard, email, and Student Portal.